Friday, September 12, 2008

A sigh of relief...

In an effort to make a long story short... (which you all know I'm really bad at doing) Matheson's first visit with the specialist at Baptist this past Thursday was a bit concerning. The doctor "wasn't convinced" that his spot was a hemangioma, and was concerned that it could be something much more serious. We were given the spill about possible effects, defects (including brain damage), surgeries, etc... and asked to return the very next day for a CT scan. HOW SCARY! So, we took poor little Matheson back the next morning. In order to do a CT scan on a newborn, they have to be sedated, and an IV had to be put in place to deliver the "dye" used to make the images. AGAIN, HOW SCARY! Then, we had to wait nearly a week for the results! It was during this week, that the Lord reminded us that there was really no need to fear, and that Matheson was clearly His plan from the beginning (not ours, that soon after Jones for sure! haha) and so anything and everything that happens to him is just a part of that plan. Matt and I both had a sense of peace somehow as we walked into the doctors office at Baptist for the results (no matter what they were) - And would you believe (yes, because God is so good) that it is a hemangioma afterall! Praise God! And as if that weren't good enough, it seems at this point that Matheson is part of a very small percentage of hemangiomas called "rapidly diluting" hemangiomas that actually correct themselves without any medical intervention much more quickly than other hemangiomas! Praise God Again! God always answers our prayers - sometimes not exactly the way we had hoped, and sometimes, like now, even greater than we would have ever imagined! Here's a new pic of our little answer to prayer - you can hardly even notice the hemangioma already!


Anonymous said...

Holly that is such AWESOME news! Glad everything worked out and that little man is ok and will be ok! Miss you at millis Road...come see us soon! ~Jenn Prescott

Unknown said...

You should have put a picture of Matheson with that post, not!

TexasK said...

If you hadn't told me it was there, I wouldn't have been able to see it in this picture!

Glad to "find" your blog!! When are you coming to Facebook. It's so fun!